In a recent notification, UGC has mentioned the Journals which are discontinued from the UGC CARE list in July 2021. You can find the UGC removed journals list 2021 July. UGC removed journals list 2021 July In our previous article, we have discussed the UGC discontinued journals. Now in July UGC has also come out with new journals which are going to be discontinued. In July UGC has removed 11 Journals from the Care list. Here is the UGC removed journals list 2021 July Sr.No. Journal Title Publisher ISSN E-ISSN Action 1 Australian Journal of Labour Law LexisNexis Butterworths 1030-7222 NA Discontinued from July 2021 2 IASA Journal International Association…
Presenting a paper at a conference, all things you need to know.
If you are presenting a paper at a conference then this article will guide you to do that. Here we will discuss all the things you need to know about presenting a paper at a conference. Presenting a paper at a conference, all things you need to know We will divide this discussion into three parts. Before the Conference During the conference After the conference So let us discuss what you need to do before the conference. Before the Conference Write your paper. Before attending any conference you need to write a paper and get it reviewed by your guide or co-authors. Write the paper in a proper format. Search…
Learn More About GMAT through the Finest Test Prep Courses
Getting into graduate school is another long but worthwhile road to take. To enroll in your desired institution, you must stand out among the other applicants. And you can do this by acing your Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT). Here we will discuss Learn More About GMAT through the Finest Test Prep Courses. It is a widely accepted exam recognized by lots of graduate management programs that helps business schools in selecting qualified applicants for their universities. Learn More About GMAT through the Finest Test Prep Courses Developed by the Graduate Management Admission Council, it is a computer adaptive assessment that measures your knowledge and skills in quantitative cognitive, verbal…
New plant-based food concept backed by 7.5 million euro grant by Utrecht University researchers
In a recent notification, a 7.5 million euro grant, provided by the Novo Nordisk Foundation to the international team of Utrecht University. Here we will discuss this news and update: New plant-based food concept backed by 7.5 million euro grant. New plant-based food concept backed by 7.5 million euro grant. About plant-based meat alternatives Researchers and Scientists across the globe are trying to find Meat replacements for decades now. But they still have not been fully embraced as an alternative to animal protein. They taste different, have fewer nutrients and a completely different mouth-feel. But according to the researchers of Utrecht University, a new method for processing proteins may make it…
Scopus discontinued list April 2021
Scopus continuously updating its list of journals every month. In this article, we will discuss Scopus discontinued list April 2021. In March 2021 Scopus has removed 10 international journals form its due to publication concern and radar. According to Scopus these journal has not fulfilled the terms and conditions of the Journal indexing. In April 2021 Scopus again removed 4 journals from it’s of indexing. Reasons of Removal According o Scopus the reason of the removal of these 4 journals in April 2021 are “Publication concern” and “Radar” As we know the Scopus removed the journals due the following four reasons Metrics and benchmarks Publication concerns Radar Continuous curation But…
Scopus discontinued list March 2021
Here we will discuss the journal removed from the Scopus Indexing in March 2021. So Scopus discontinued list march 2021 Scopus discontinued list March 2021 In the continuous process and reevaluating several journals now Scopus has updated its list in March 2021. Previously it has updated the list in Feb 2021 where 13 journals were removed. 10 journals have been removed in March 2021. Reason of removal To determine journal quality, Scopus runs the ongoing Re-evaluation program which identifies outlier and underperforming journals in four different ways: So based on these 4 parameters journal were removed in March 2021. You will find these 4 reasons for the removal of the journal…
Wiley-IEEE Press Awards 2021 nomination open
Wiley-IEEE Press combines IEEE’s prestige with Wiley’s book publishing prowess to publish high quality books. It serves the global engineering and computer science community. Call for nomination open for Wiley-IEEE Press Awards 2021. Wiley-IEEE Press invites nominations for two book awards. The awards will recognize the authors of an outstanding textbook and an outstanding professional book published by Wiley-IEEE Press. Wiley-IEEE Press Awards 2021 Categories of the award There are basically two categories of the award Also read: IEEE Global Communications Conference 2021 Guidelines for the nominations Wiley-IEEE Press Textbook Award guidelines: Wiley-IEEE Press Professional Book Award guidelines: IEEE full form and what does IIEE stand for How to submit the Nominations? You can…
Nature Research Awards for Inspiring Women in Science [Eligibility, last date, procedure and Evaluation criteria]
The application is now open for Nature Research Awards for Inspiring Women in Science. In this post, you will get to know the eligibility, Procedure, Important dates, and criteria, etc. Nature Research Awards for Inspiring Women in Science The aim of this award is to encourage and supports girls and young women to study, engage with and enjoy STEM subjects. The scope of the awards reflects two award categories, that describe the work they recognize – The aim of the awards, in partnership with The Estée Lauder Companies, is to celebrate and support the achievements of women in science, and of all those who work to encourage girls and young…
UGC removed Journals list April 2021
UGC has recently removed 13 journals in April 2021. This article is all about the UGC removed Journals list April 2021. UGC removed Journals list April 2021 UGC has been adding and removing journals from time to time to keep the good journals on the list. In our previous post we discussed, in 2017, UGC came out with a list of around 35000 journals. According to the UGC notification, the journals listed had a high impact and were genuine. Latter on many journals have been removed from the list including all leading publishers. This leads to a major controversy in the Indian education system. Now UGC-CARE List has the journals…
UAB received research funding of $300 million from the National Institutes of Health
The University of Alabama at Birmingham UAB received research funding of $300 million from the National Institutes of Health. According to the Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research, placing UAB 22nd in the list of universities receiving funding from the NIH. Among public universities, UAB ranks ninth. UAB received research funding of $300 million from the National Institutes of Health The School of Medicine also placed 22nd among medical schools, with $256,395,438 in research funding, an increase of more than $23 million over 2018. The School of Optometry ranked second among optometry schools, with funding topping $4.95 million. Chris Brown, Ph.D., vice president for Research at UAB said “Topping $300 million in 2019 reaffirms UAB’s…