In a recent notification, the nomination for the ANZ Scopus Researcher Awards 2022 is now open. Scopus is seeking academics from universities and government-funded research centers in Australia and New Zealand. ANZ Scopus Researcher Awards 2022 About the award: Have you done anything in the last ten years that you want to be recognized for? Send in your application right away; see the general requirements and exclusions below. The ANZ Scopus Researcher Awards is a component of Elsevier’s global project to push the frontiers of knowledge across a wide range of fields, which was initially introduced in 2010. The ANZ Scopus Researcher Awards honor excellent researchers whose work integrates a…
New Scopus indexed journals 2022 August [188 new journals added]
Recently Scopus has updated its list and added 188 new Journals to the list. Here we will discuss the New Scopus indexed journals 2022 August. As we all know Scopus is continuously updating its database. Every month it is adding some journals and removing some journals. But during this month of August 2022 surprisingly no removal of journals. Scopus has added 188 more journals to its list. As a result currently(as of Aug 2022) it has 43,685 journals, book series, and conference proceedings listed. Must read: How to check Scopus indexed journals? List of New Scopus indexed journals 2022 August SL no Title name Print-ISSN E-ISSN Publisher 1 Acta Medica…
NSF announces $10 million partnership with Intel Corporation
RESEARCH NEWS UPDATES: In a recent notification, NSF announces $10 million partnership with Intel Corporation to train and build a skilled semiconductor manufacturing workforce. The United States National Science Foundation and Intel Corporation have established a partnership to provide possibilities for fair STEM education and to educate and train the country’s semiconductor manufacturing workforce. NSF announces $10 million partnership with Intel Corporation. Intel and NSF will provide $10 million to assist the creation of a high-quality manufacturing workforce at all stages of production and innovation, as outlined in a new Dear Colleague Letter, or DCL, following the historic passing of the “CHIPS and Science Act.” What is the background of…
Tarbell Fellowship 2023 application open [Important dates, eligibility, procedure, link to apply]
The Tarbell Fellowship 2023 is a year-long program called for aspiring journalists who want to change the world. Tarbell Fellowship 2023 application open now. What is the Tarbell Fellowship? The Tarbell Fellowship is a year-long program for early-career journalists interested in improving the world. Fellows receive a stipend of up to $50,000, mentorship from experienced journalists, and training to write about the world’s most important problems. The fellowship offers a rare chance to produce outstanding journalism on subjects like global poverty and existential hazards that could have a significant influence on the lives of billions of people. A stipend of up to $50,000 is given to fellows to help with…
Academy of Medical Sciences fellowship application [Important dates, eligibility, procedure, link to apply]
Academy of Medical Sciences fellowship application is now open. Check here the important date, procedure, Election process, and application link. Academy of Medical Sciences fellowship application What is an Academy of Medical Sciences Fellowship? Fellowship in the Academy by the Academy of medical sciences, UK is granted to individuals who have made exceptionally significant contributions to the medical sciences, whether via original research or long-term scholarly work. Fellows are chosen mostly from academic medicine and biomedical science, but also from related fields such as veterinary medicine, dentistry, laboratory science, medicine, and nursing. The majority of applicants are chosen for their exceptional contributions to the development of medical science or for…
What are the best tools for removing plagiarism?
Plagiarism refers to copying a piece of information without giving any credit. It is equivalent to intellectual deceit, where you take credits for work that you haven’t done. Here we will discuss What are the best tools for removing plagiarism? What are the best tools for removing plagiarism? The practice has touched unprecedented heights in this era. With information readily available online, bloggers are inclined to directly copy the content. The numbers in this regard are astonishing. As per the published statistics, the number of existing websites is 5.1 billion. Out of these 5.1 billion, 1.5 billion websites have plagiarized content. That means more than 30% of the web data…
Best academic translation service
If you are writing a research paper for an international conference or a reputed journal and you do not belong to an English-speaking country then there are high chances that your research paper gets rejected. To avoid that we will discuss here some of the best academic translation service you can use to write an excellent research paper, report or even a thesis. Academic translation service What is academic translation? Words and the reality they strive to depict are not the same, or else every statement would be true. Speaking and writing allow us to constantly bridge this gap. But as translators, they confront a double challenge: they must cross…
Z library is legal? All things you need to know
If you are looking to download free ebooks, journals research papers, and documents, then Z library could definitely help you. But wait !!! In this article, we will discuss whether Z library Is legal? All things you need to know. What is Z library? Z library is a shadow library project offering file-sharing access to general interest books, academic books, research articles, and academic articles. It was once called as BookFinder but is now more well-known as z-lib. There are some pirated versions of books and research articles in the Z library. With nearly 8 million books and 84 million articles available for free download, Z Library is the largest…
Scope and delimitation. All things you need to know
While writing a research paper or thesis you often have heard the term Scope and Delimitation of the study. In this article, we will discuss the details of Scope and delimitation. All things you need to know. Scope and delimitation. All things you need to know What is Scope and Delimitation? Scope and delimitation are the two vital things in any research paper and thesis. The scope of a study describes how deeply the research area will be investigated in the work and establishes the limitations that the investigation will operate. Delimitations are the parameters set by the researcher to determine what to include and what to leave out of…
Call for papers for 9th International Conference on Agriculture 2022 (AGRICO 2022)
Call for papers for 9th International Conference on Agriculture 2022 (AGRICO 2022). Call for papers and registration are going on for a premier international conference AGRICO 2022. The conference will be held on 11th and 12th Aug 2022 virtually. 9th International Conference on Agriculture 2022 The conference is organized by The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM) which is a leading scientific and conference organizer in the world. The organizer hopes the AGRICO 2022 unites diverse research and case studies from all over the world, in parallel sessions while offering many networking and publishing opportunities. Discover the latest trends and challenges in the field at this leading conference and enjoy…