Applicants are invited to apply for the Einstein Fellowship 2024. Here in this post get all details of the Einstein Fellowship 2024. The Einstein Fellowship 2024 The Albert Einstein Fellowship encourages innovative, interdisciplinary thinking by allowing young researchers to conduct research in fields unrelated to their primary field of study. The fellowship, which was previously given out by the Einstein Forum and the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius (2007–2009), is currently given out by the Wittenstein Foundation and will run from 2010 until 2022. It is as follows: About The Einstein Fellowship 2024 For exceptional young intellectuals who want to pursue a topic in a field unrelated to their past…
What is peer review? All things you need to know
Are you looking forward to publishing your research paper in a peer-reviewed journal or you might be looking to understand the peer review process? Then here in this article, we will explain What is peer review? All things you need to know. Peer review is mostly used in the journsl’s pre publication process. There are many types of Peer review process which we will explain in this article. What is peer review? All things you need to know What is peer review? Before going deeper let’s understand what is peer review. Peer review is a process that most journal publisher follows to select one paper. It helps the editor of…
Fake and clone Scopus indexed journals circulated in Facebook and WhatsApp groups
If you are a student or a researcher then you may need to publish your research paper in good journals. In this process, you might have come across the Scopus Indexed or Web of Science Indexed journals. Currently, so many Fake and clone Scopus indexed journals circulated in Facebook and WhatsApp groups. Fake and cloned Scopus indexed journals circulated in Facebook and WhatsApp groups In this post, we are going to discuss such journals and conferences. Here we will guide you on how you will identify it and make yourself safe from this new type of fraud going on the Internet. What is Scopus Indexed Journal? Scopus is one of…
AI could replace equivalent of 300 million jobs
According to a recent Goldman Sachs report, AI could replace equivalent of 300 million jobs. Here in this post, we will discuss the report in detail. AI could replace equivalent of 300 million jobs People are becoming more concerned about the possibility of various vocations being eliminated by Powerful technology as a result of recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. Now, generative AI is expected to have an impact on up to 300 million employment, according to a Goldman Sachs analysis. If the technology could deliver as its expectations then it could bring massive job loss for the labor market. We have already started seeing it and it will go on.…
Shawki Saad PhD Scholarship 2023 by Imperial college London[Important date,link,amount, elegibility]
In a recent notification A new PhD scholarship from Imperial is available to candidates from sub-Saharan Africa has been announced. Here in this post, we will discuss all the aspects of the Shawki Saad PhD Scholarship 2023 by Imperial College London. Shawki Saad PhD Scholarship 2023 by Imperial College London About Imperial College London The Great Exhibition of 1851, which Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband, oversaw in neighbouring Hyde Park, is whence Imperial College gets its name. The show introduced the globe to British business, technology, and science. It was a huge success, and in 1881, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Natural History Museum, and the Geological Museum were…
Elsevier includes ChatGPT as author of a research paper.
If you are a researcher or author of a research paper then it’s good news for you. Here we will discuss Elsevier includes ChatGPT as author of a research paper. Elsevier includes ChatGPT as author of a research paper. In some recent news articles from The Guardian and Nature, several scientific publishers have baned ChattGPT to be used as an author of a research paper. According to The Guardian, Holden Thorp, the editor-in-chief of the leading US journal Science, announced an updated editorial policy, which banned the use of text from ChatGPT and clarified that the program could not be listed as an author. You can check the updated editorial…
Scopus Discontinued and accepted journals in 2023 January
Recently Scopus released a new list for the year 2023 January. In this update list, Scopus has added 95 new journals and removed 2 journals from the coverage. Here in this post you will get the list of Scopus Discontinued and accepted journals in 2023 January. Scopus Discontinued and accepted journals in 2023 January Scopus discontinued journals list in 2023 January. As we discussed Scopus has removed two journals from its database. These journals are removed due to publication concerns which means these journals may not followed the global publication ethics and procedure. Here is the list of Scopus discontinued journals list in 2023 January. ISSN: 1687-5265 ISSN: 0976-9234 These…
Burke climate and health fellowship 2023
The Harvard Global Health Institute is pleased to announce that, in collaboration with the Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability, now offering a 2-year fellowship program. Here we will discuss the Burke climate and health fellowship 2023. Burke climate and health fellowship 2023 About the Fellowship This fellowship is for qualified research fellows, postdoctoral scholars, and early career faculty who are pursuing academic work at the intersection of climate change and global health. Burke Climate and Health Fellows will get support as they collaborate closely on their proposed research project with Harvard faculty mentors in any school or department. The Burke Fund, created by Harvard alumnus Katherine States Burke, AB’79,…
10th International Conference on Agriculture AGRICO 2023, Call for papers, submission, important dates, and registration link
The 10th International Conference on Agricultural 2023 will be held on a hybrid platform from September 21–22. AGRICO 2023 will bring together a wide range of academics, researchers, activists, and case studies from around the world in concurrent sessions while providing numerous possibilities for networking and publication. 10th International Conference on Agricultural 2023 PURPOSE OF AGRICO 2023 Governments, academia, civic society, the commercial sector, and other stakeholders will be brought together by AGRICO 2023 to create and put into practice creative solutions to the problems posed by food security and agricultural development. Workshop associated with the AGRICO 2023 There will be a special workshop associated with the AGRICO 2023 and…
Inspiring Women in Science award by Nature, Nomination open
The Inspiring Women in Science award by Nature honour and promote the contributions made by women in science, as well as all those who work to inspire young girls and women worldwide to pursue professions in STEM fields. Inspiring Women in Science award by Nature The awards’ range is reflected in the two award categories— that best characterise the work they honour. The awards, which were created in collaboration with The Estée Lauder Companies, are intended to recognise and honour the contributions of women in science as well as all those who seek to inspire girls and young women to pursue STEM-related fields of study and careers. Natural sciences, technology,…