Major Agricultural Show in Egypt, Middle East and Africa. The 9th International Exhibition & Conference for Agricultural Supplies –Agri Expo 2024 will be held during 26-28 February 2024. Here you will alldetails of Agri Expo 2024 Egypt’s Major Agricultural Show. Agri Expo 2024 Egypt’s Major Agricultural Show About the Agri Expo 2024 In an effort to provide access to the most recent advancements in agricultural technology and research, local and worldwide leaders will support this year’s conference and exhibition. Innovative agricultural solutions will be on display and up for discussion with industry experts who are keen to learn about the latest developments in the present local market. Time and Venue…
Royal Society of Chemistry Chemistry Week 2023, Apply for funding
In a recent notification Royal Society of Chemistry Chemistry Week 2023 has been announced. The main events will continue to be celebrated throughout November. But in a specific way, It will be celebrated from 9th to 11 November 2023. In the year 2023, the team has been decided as “chemistry making the world a better place”. Royal Society of Chemistry Chemistry Week 2023 About the Chemistry Week 2023 by Royal Society of Chemistry As we all know the impact of chemistry on our society has been. If we talk about the different sectors like Healthcare Climate Environment wealth industry sustainability well-being education justice equality nutrition and alleviation of property the…
The Royal Academy of Engineering offers Research Fellowships
In a recent notification, the application now open for The Royal Academy of Engineering offers Research Fellowships. Early-career scholars from all around the world who received their PhD within the last four years are encouraged to apply this fellowship.The Department for Science, Innovation, and Technology (DSIT) is responsible for funding the programme, which is available for five years. In order to be funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), research fellowships must be held at a UK university or higher education institution. The Royal Academy of Engineering offers Research Fellowships About the Royal Academy of Engineering offers Research Fellowships Outstanding early-career researchers can apply for Research Fellowships from the Royal…
8 Editorial positions open at Taylor & Francis
Becoming the editor of a journal is a rewarding and fulfilling experience where you will build your own networks, promote the research that you are passionate about, and be recognized as a leading figure within the academic community. Here are 8 Editorial positions open at Taylor & Francis. Taylor & Francis is looking for Editors that have a passion for moving the journal ahead during an exciting time of change, excellent academic backgrounds, and publication expertise. Editors will oversee and assume responsibility for the parts they have been given. 8 Editorial positions open at Taylor & Francis Editor-in-Chief needed for Journal of Media Economics Role(s): Editor / Co-Editor | Editor-in-Chief…
UGC Care Discontinued Journals 2023 July
According to a recent notification, UGC CARE India has discontinued 49 Journals from its list. Here in this article, you can find the UGC Care Discontinued Journals 2023 July complete list and their details. UGC Care Discontinued Journals 2023 July As you all know UGC has been continuously discontinuing some journals which are not maintaining the quality. So, the process continues in July 2023 as well. According to the UGC notification, the journals involved in unethical practices are discontinued from the list. Some print version journals also got discontinued in July 2023. List of UGC Discontinued Journals 2023 July These are the 49 journals that got discontinued from the list…
WISE Post-Doctoral Fellowship (WISE-PDF)
A new initiative of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), India the WISE Post-Doctoral Fellowship (WISE-PDF), aims to give women scientists and technologists between the ages of 27 and 60 the chance to pursue careers as bench-level researchers in the basic and applied sciences. WISE Post-Doctoral Fellowship (WISE-PDF) The program’s aim is to encourage women who desire to pursue a PhD in one of five basic or applied science fields. Scientific Disciplines: (1) Physical & Mathematical Sciences (2) Chemical Sciences (3) Life Sciences (4) Earth & Atmospheric Sciences (5) Engineering & Technology Who is eligible? Employment: WISE-PDF candidates who are currently employed on a regular basis are ineligible. However,…
Top mistakes to avoid during publishing a research paper
While writing a research paper most of the researchers or authors faces some difficulties and does some common mistake. Here in this post, we will discuss the top mistakes to avoid during publishing a research paper. Top mistakes to avoid during publishing a research paper Research paper publishing is a significant milestone for any researcher or author. Navigating the research paper published in a good journal is a challenging process. To publish a good journal you need to be careful and not repeat these mistakes which most researchers do. Insufficient Research Planning Inadequate planning throughout the study process is one of the most serious errors researchers make. The quality and…
Agri Vision 2024 International Conference
As per the recent conference notification by the Society for Agricultural Research and Management (SARM) is going to organize the 6th International Conference on Agriculture for Sustainable Development (Agri Vision- 2024). This International Agriculture Conference will be held from January 19-21, 2024 at Cuttack, Odisha, India. Agri Vision 2024 International Conference The theme of the conference The theme of the Agri Vision- 2024 Conference is “Economic Development through Sustainable Agriculture Practices – Together We Make it Possible”. The Sessions of Agri Vision will discuss agricultural practices designed to protect the environment, eliminate & reduce greenhouse effects, enhance soil quality and fertility to protect crops, and preserve the Earth’s natural resources…
Harvard University Rowland Fellows Program 2024
The Rowland Institute at Harvard is always looking for the brightest young experimenters in all areas of engineering and science. Here we will discuss the latest notification i.e Harvard University Rowland Fellows Program 2024. The Rowland Fellowship offers the chance to launch a stand-alone program in Cambridge, Massachusetts’ vibrant intellectual community. Before beginning their Fellowship period, Fellows must have successfully completed their doctoral degree. Harvard University Rowland Fellows Program 2024 About the Institute and fellows Program The Rowland Institute of Science was established by Edwin Land in 1982 to support innovative, high-risk research. With the goal of fostering the early careers of experimental scientists and engineers, we joined Harvard University…
Scopus discontinued journals March 2023 list
After Jan 2023 now Scopus released the list of Discontinued journals in March 2023. Here you will get the Scopus discontinued journals March 2023 list. Scopus discontinued journals March 2023 list In a recent notification, Scopus has updated its discontinued list. All total 8 journals discontinue in the month of March 2023. We all know that Scopus is a reputed indexing agency that has several reputed journals on the list. So it tries to remain good journals in the list and discontinue the journals which do not maintain the quality of the publication. In the past, Scopus has several lists of removed journals in 2022 as well as in 2023.…