You might be in the process of publishing your research paper in a Scopus Indexed journal. That’s why you are reading this article. Let me tell you are in the right place to learn How to search Scopus indexed journals.
How to search Scopus indexed journals
No matter who you are you need to publish your paper papers regularly if you want to succeed in your research and academic career.
Scopus is one of the most followed and reputed journal Indexing agencies globally. Scopus database is followed by almost every University in the world. If you are Ph.D., Master/ bachelor student then you need to publish your paper in a Scopus indexed journal as per the university and academic degree requirement.
Many researchers face difficulties to search for a good Scopus indexed journal to publish their papers. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process to search Scopus indexed journals. We will also discuss how to get the Scopus indexed journals list.
Is it easy to publish in Scopus indexed journals?
Journal publication is a complex procedure in every researcher’s life. But, if you follow the right procedure to publish your paper then it becomes very easy to publish in Scopus Indexed journals.
All you need to know is the right steps and procedure to write a research paper and publish it in a good Scopus Indexed journal.
Why Scopus Indexed journals are so important?
As we have discussed, every researcher or student needs to publish a paper in Scopus indexed journal to fulfill their degree requirement.
But Scopus is such a prestigious journal database and indexing platform. Scopus only selects journals after checking several parameters of a journal.
So, only the best quality journals get a chance for the indexing status of the Scopus. This means the journal which is indexed in the Scopus database are considered to be high in standard and most researchers and scientist refer to those journals for their future work or research.
So getting a research paper published in a Scopus indexed journal brings extreme joy and prestige for any author or researcher.
How to search Scopus indexed journals
Always search any Scopus indexed journals on the official website of Scopus.
Go to
You can search the journal by these parameters
- Subject area
- Title
- Publisher
If you know the ISSN of the journal, then choose the Option “ISSN” from the option and write the ISSN on the right-hand side of the search bar and press the ” Find Source” button

Similarly, if you know the Title of the journal then you can choose the “ Title” and write the title of the journal on the right-hand side and press the” Find Source” button
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If you do not know the ISSN and Title of the journal then you can search journals by selecting “ Subject area” from the left option and selecting the subjects to find the journals indexed in this category.

Using filter for further search
On the left-hand side, you see the filters to search your journal more accurately. This helps in if you are searching with the option of “Subject area”

You can search only open access journals by selecting Display only Open Access journals from the Display option
What is Scopus content coverage?
Apart from indexing, Scopus also displays the Scopus coverage years and the number of papers indexed in a particular year. It’s also important to check for a particular journal.

CiteScore measures average citations received per document published in the serial. CiteScore 2020 counts the citations received in 2017-2020 to articles, reviews, conference papers, book chapters, and data papers published in 2017-2020, and divides this by the number of publications published in 2017-2020.
The CiteScore calculation (numerator and denominator) consists of the following publication types: articles, reviews, conference papers, data papers and book chapters.
The 4-year CiteScore time window provides a robust assessment of citations to papers after their publication. A 4-year publication window is a good fit for all subject areas and is long enough to capture the citation peak of the majority of disciplines.

SCImago Journal Rank measures weighted citations received by the serial. Citation weighting depends on the subject field and prestige (SJR) of the citing serial.
Source Normalized Impact per Paper: this measures actual citations received relative to citations expected for the serial’s subject field.
Scopus removed journals list
In our previous articles, we have discussed the removed journals. Scopus has been updating its database from time to time. According to Scopus, it is updating a list of journals 3 times a year but in recent months Scopus starts updating its database almost every month.
The Scopus is constantly adding and removing journals to make the database more accurate and provide information only of good journals.
Scopus discontinued list February 2021
Also read: Scopus discontinued list March 2021
Scopus discontinued list April 2021
Scopus discontinued list 2020 December
How to publish conference proceedings in Scopus?
Apart from the journals, you can search Conference proceedings in Scopus. If you are a Conference organizer then you need to submit your conference proceedings to Scopus to get an indexing status in Scopus.
Must read: How to check Scopus indexed journals?
Conference proceedings having high-quality papers after the peer review process can be indexed in Scopus.
You can find book series and trade publications in the Scopus database apart from Journals and conference proceedings.
Must read: 5 Best tips for choosing the right Journal
Scopus indexed journals list.
Here you can get Scopus indexed journals list. Log in to the Scopus account and download the Scopus indexed journals list.
Final words
Scopus is one of the most advanced and reputed Indexing for Journals. It helps the researchers to find a good quality journal and displays several parameters and metrics to check the quality of the journals. If you are a researcher you must choose a journal from the Scopus Indexed journals to get your paper published. this all about How to search Scopus indexed journals.
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