Registraiton open now for PolyNext Awards and Conference 2025 which is set to take place during May 7th and 8th 2025, at the Crowne Plaza Dubai, Salah Al Din St, Deira, Dubai. This will be a global gathering and will bring together top industry leaders, innovators, policymakers, and sustainability advocates to explore the future of plastic recycling and sustainable solutions. Here in this article we will provide you all information you need to attain this Global event. PolyNext Awards and Conference 2025 PolyNext Awards and Conference 2025 is dedicated to driving innovation and collaboration in addressing global plastic challenges. Through a combination of expert-led sessions, an impactful awards ceremony, and…
AI Tutor App Review: Navigating the Future of Free Tutor AI with HIX Tutor
In a time when technology permeates every aspect of our lives, teaching strategies are no different. The growing of AI tutors has completely changed the way that students can learn, providing them with efficient, personalised, and easily accessible study tools. This article is all about the AI Tutor App Review where we will review the HIX Tutor is a tutor app that is at the leading of these cutting-edge solutions, catering to a wide range of learning. AI Tutor App Review HIX Tutor, powered by advanced AI tutoring algorithms, is a flexible and dynamic learning partner. It is designed to make studying easier for kids from different backgrounds and educational…
Royal Society of Chemistry Chemistry Week 2023, Apply for funding
In a recent notification Royal Society of Chemistry Chemistry Week 2023 has been announced. The main events will continue to be celebrated throughout November. But in a specific way, It will be celebrated from 9th to 11 November 2023. In the year 2023, the team has been decided as “chemistry making the world a better place”. Royal Society of Chemistry Chemistry Week 2023 About the Chemistry Week 2023 by Royal Society of Chemistry As we all know the impact of chemistry on our society has been. If we talk about the different sectors like Healthcare Climate Environment wealth industry sustainability well-being education justice equality nutrition and alleviation of property the…
WISE Post-Doctoral Fellowship (WISE-PDF)
A new initiative of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), India the WISE Post-Doctoral Fellowship (WISE-PDF), aims to give women scientists and technologists between the ages of 27 and 60 the chance to pursue careers as bench-level researchers in the basic and applied sciences. WISE Post-Doctoral Fellowship (WISE-PDF) The program’s aim is to encourage women who desire to pursue a PhD in one of five basic or applied science fields. Scientific Disciplines: (1) Physical & Mathematical Sciences (2) Chemical Sciences (3) Life Sciences (4) Earth & Atmospheric Sciences (5) Engineering & Technology Who is eligible? Employment: WISE-PDF candidates who are currently employed on a regular basis are ineligible. However,…
Scopus discontinued journals March 2023 list
After Jan 2023 now Scopus released the list of Discontinued journals in March 2023. Here you will get the Scopus discontinued journals March 2023 list. Scopus discontinued journals March 2023 list In a recent notification, Scopus has updated its discontinued list. All total 8 journals discontinue in the month of March 2023. We all know that Scopus is a reputed indexing agency that has several reputed journals on the list. So it tries to remain good journals in the list and discontinue the journals which do not maintain the quality of the publication. In the past, Scopus has several lists of removed journals in 2022 as well as in 2023.…
Scopus Discontinued and accepted journals in 2023 January
Recently Scopus released a new list for the year 2023 January. In this update list, Scopus has added 95 new journals and removed 2 journals from the coverage. Here in this post you will get the list of Scopus Discontinued and accepted journals in 2023 January. Scopus Discontinued and accepted journals in 2023 January Scopus discontinued journals list in 2023 January. As we discussed Scopus has removed two journals from its database. These journals are removed due to publication concerns which means these journals may not followed the global publication ethics and procedure. Here is the list of Scopus discontinued journals list in 2023 January. ISSN: 1687-5265 ISSN: 0976-9234 These…
Cover letter for journal submission
If you are about to submit a research paper to an International Journal, then you might be going to submit the paper with a cover letter. Here we will guide you to write an excellent cover letter for journal submission. Cover letter for journal submission. How to write a cover letter for journal? We have seen many authors write cover letters at the last moment just before the submission to the journal. Now, this leads to so many mistakes. To help the writers and authors we bring you the complete process of writing an excellent cover letter for manuscript submission. Why a cover letter is important? Not all journal publishers…
Top machine learning journals
Machine learning is the future of technology and we all believe that the in future we can see lots of innovations and research in the field of Machine learning. If you are continuing your research in the field of Machine Learning then you might be referring to top Machine learning journals. Here we will provide you with the best top machine-learning journals. Top machine learning journals Machine learning is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computer Science that focuses on using data and algorithms to simulate how humans learn, gradually increasing the accuracy of the system. In other words, it is one of the most intriguing technologies that has…
Scopus discontinued list 2022 September
According to a recent notification from Scopus, It has removed 8 Journals. Here you will get the list of Scopus discontinued list 2022 September. Scopus discontinued list 2022 September Why Scopus Removed these journals? Scopus is updating its journal database from time to time. So to continue this process it removes some journals and also adds some journals. The primary reasons for the removal of these journals are the following reasons Radar Publication concern Scopus discontinued list 2022 September Source record ID Source Title Print-ISSN E-ISSN Publisher 17400154823 Arabian Journal of Geosciences 18667511 18667538 Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH 21100860009 Bulletin Minerologie Petrologie 25707337 25707345 National Museum/Narodni muzeum…
Top journal indexing databases
If you are looking to find a good journal then you might have heard of Indexed journals. Here we will discuss the Top journal indexing databases that exist to help researchers to find a good journal. Top journal indexing databases Why journal indexing is important? We all know there are thousands of international journals that exist in the world. According to the ISSN The ISSN Network has assigned more than 2.5 million ISSNs so far. The database is constantly updated by the ISSN Network. It increases by approximately 50,000 to 70,000 ISSNs per year, reflecting an equivalent number of records and identified publications. Nearly 130,000 corrections and modifications are made…